In a world teeming with questions about existence, morality, and reality, philosophy emerges as the compass guiding our intellectual journeys. Philosophy encapsulates the pursuit of wisdom and understanding through critical...
In A Whole New Mind, Daniel H. Pink argues that the future belongs to those who master the skills of the right brain—creativity, empathy, and big-picture thinking. Pink explores how...
"Adbi Theory Aik Taruf" is a translation of Terry Eagleton's work by Yasir Jawad. It offers an introduction to literary theory, exploring its various facets and implications within the realm...
Jaun Elia's "Gumaan" is a collection of profound Urdu poetry that delves into the complexities of human emotions and existential ponderings. His verses, characterized by a unique blend of skepticism...
"Islam: Its Meaning and Message" by Khurshid Ahmad Salem Azzam, published by IPS, presents a profound exploration of the core tenets and principles of Islam. This seminal work serves as...
Islam, as elucidated in Muhammad Hameed Ullah's translated work by Aliyah Khan, is a profound and comprehensive way of life encapsulating spiritual, social, and moral dimensions. It serves as a...
Islamic Counselling: An Introduction to Theory and Practice by G. Hussein Rassool provides a comprehensive overview of Islamic counselling principles and methodologies. The book integrates Islamic teachings with contemporary counselling...
"Meaning and the English Verb," now in its third edition, is a seminal work authored by Geoffrey N. Leech that delves into the intricate relationship between meaning and verb usage...
"Philosophical Analysis: An Introduction" by John Hospers is a comprehensive guide to the foundational techniques and concepts of philosophical analysis. This fourth edition offers an updated exploration of key philosophical...
"What's The Point Of Science" by DK delves into the essence and importance of scientific endeavors, illustrating how science shapes our understanding of the world and improves our daily lives....